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INI File
113 lines
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** help index
echo 6 ≈ zhelp aboutáááá: about zero whats new etc
echo 6 ≈ zhelp channeláá: channel control & commands
echo 6 ≈ zhelp dccáááááá: dcc help
echo 6 ≈ zhelp eggdropáá: zero eggdrop help
echo 6 ≈ zhelp functioná: function key assignments
echo 6 ≈ zhelp greetzááá: greetz & creditz
echo 6 ≈ zhelp massááááá: mass commands
echo 6 ≈ zhelp miscááááá: miscellaneous commands
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** about zero whats new etc
echo 4 ≈ whats new ...
echo 6 ≈ well this is like the first version of zero so everything
echo 6 ≈ is new :] if you find any bugs please email me at
echo 6 ≈ husk@magna.com.au (silly isp)
echo 6 ≈ zero was put together mostly by hifiway ⌐ 1996. (i dont
echo 6 ≈ think that i can actually copyright this addon but the ⌐
echo 6 ≈ symbol looks cool so i had to put it in somwhere :P)
echo 6 ≈ you would probably find me @ #mircscripts or that secret
echo 6 ≈ #temporarymircchannel on efnet.
echo 6 ≈ there were many people who helped me to make this addon
echo 6 ≈ possible type /zhelp greetz to see who some of them are.
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** channel control & commands
echo 6 ≈ cban <string> - used to unban wildcard strings
echo 4 ≈ ^- eg : /cban *!*@*.netcom.* would unban netcom
echo 6 ≈ cinfo <t|f> - channel percentages and stats
echo 4 ≈ ^- 'f' for fast & 't' for longer stats from a /who list
echo 6 ≈ fk <string> - filter kicks a wildcard string
echo 4 ≈ ^- eg : /fk *!*@*.aol.* to boot aol
echo 6 ≈ k <nick> - kicks given nick with an optional reason
echo 6 ≈ kb - kickbans someone with an optional reason
echo 6 ≈ setban - pops up a box to define your desired ban type
echo 6 ≈ unban <banmask> - unbans a given banmask or the last ban
echo 6 ≈ znopwall <notice> - sends a notice to all nonops (no ops needed)
echo 6 ≈ zunopwall <notice> - send a wall op notice without being opped
echo 6 ≈ zwall <notice> - sends a notice to the ops (requires ops)
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** dcc help
echo 6 ≈ axe - removes the last file received via dcc
echo 6 ≈ listen - listens to the last wave file received
echo 6 ≈ resend <nick> - resends the last file you sent to someone
echo 6 ≈ view - views the last file received in notepad
echo 6 ≈ zip - views the last file received in winzip
echo 4 ≈ ^- $chr(37) $+ winzip must be set to your winzip path
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** zero eggdrop help
echo 6 ≈ for someone to have access to the eggdrop commands
echo 4 ≈ ^- ie : pass/op/info line
echo 6 ≈ they must have a user level of 75. you can assign
echo 6 ≈ this level to a nickname by simply typing this :
echo 3 ≈ /guser 75 <nick> 3
echo 6 ≈ this will add them as *!*ident@*.domain.com
echo 6 ≈ for someone to utilize the zero eggdrop commands
echo 6 ≈ the person must be in the channel that you are
echo 6 ≈ operating, as it requires the nickname to be in your
echo 6 ≈ internal address list. when you first add someone as
echo 6 ≈ level 75 they must set a pass by typing :
echo 3 ≈ /msg $me pass <a new password>
echo 6 ≈ to change that pass in future they must use this :
echo 3 ≈ /msg $me pass <oldpass> <a new password>
echo 6 ≈ they can obtain ops on your channel by typing :
echo 3 ≈ /msg $me op #<channel> <password>
echo 6 ≈ a user can set an info line like this :
echo 3 ≈ /msg $me info <an info line to show up on join>
echo 6 ≈ this would appear on join as this :
echo 4 ≈ < $+ $me $+ > [user] <the info line they have set>
echo 6 ≈ this info line can be erased by typing :
echo 3 ≈ /msg $me info none
echo 6 ≈ all of this info is stored in $mircdir $+ addon\zero.dat
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** greetz & credits
echo 6 ≈ <Col_Rebel>ácomment yet to be written
echo 6 ≈ <Leareth>ácomment yet to be written
echo 6 ≈ <snOw^dAWg> where is this guy anyway ?
echo 6 ≈ <``Morgana> i think a hello is in order here :)
echo 6 ≈ <#temporarymircchannel> hello to everyone there
echo 6 ≈ < $+ $me $+ > for using zero :]
echo 4 ≈ thanks to those that did do or will give a godamn
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** mass commands
echo 6 ≈ mass <+|-> <o|v> - mass plus|minus op|voice
echo 6 ≈ massk <o|n|e> [+i] - mass kick <ops|nonops|everyone>
echo 4 ≈ ^- using /massk x +i makes the channel +i
echo 6 ≈ massi <channel> - mass invite
echo 6 ≈ massm <msg> - mass message
echo 2 ≈ %zero *** miscellaneous commands
echo 6 ≈ clock - tells you the time in am/pm format
echo 6 ≈ del - pops up a file selector to delete a file
echo 6 ≈ ev - echo your $chr(37) $+ ver locally
echo 6 ≈ fakereply <nick> <type> <parms> - fake ctcp reply
echo 6 ≈ notepad - pops up a file selector to view a file in notepad
echo 6 ≈ pong <nick> - sends a '*** PONG from <yournick>'
echo 6 ≈ sv - display your $chr(37) $+ ver to the active window
echo 6 ≈ zhelp - um ... this help file stupid :P
echo 6 ≈ zquit <reason> - random quit msg if one isnt supplied